What happens when my road is closed or there are no pick-ups due to weather conditions?

Under our tariff from the Washington State Department of Utilities and Transportation, pick ups may be missed due to weather or road conditions. If the accumulated material (solid waste or recyclables) is collected on the next scheduled or available pick up date, the company is not obligated to extend credit for the missed pick up.  Customers will not be charged for overfilled containers or for additional material in bags placed next to the normal container provided the extra does not exceed a reasonable amount due to the missed pickup.

At Mason County Garbage our office will remain closed for the foreseeable future. We can still be reached by phone at 360-426-8729 or toll free at 877-722-0223.

We provide an essential service within our communities and strive to meet our customer commitments.

Service Update - March 23, 2020

 – By

Dear Valued Customer,

Our number one value at Waste Connections is the safety of our employees, our customers, and the communities we serve. We are closely monitoring the current situation and are following guidance from the CDC, WHO, and our state and local public health officials. We recognize that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has tremendous unknowns and is impacting businesses and our communities on a number of different levels. 

While we always recommend that all garbage, whether contained in your cart or container or as an extra unit outside of your container, be securely bagged to ensure efficient service and to help keep your immediate neighborhood clean and free of debris; during this crisis this is of utmost importance. Bagging loose garbage helps ensure items do not litter the surrounding area when your garbage driver is servicing your cart or container, but more importantly, it will limit exposure to our employees. Effective immediately, garbage drivers will be instructed to not service any loose or unsecured garbage items outside of your cart or container. All extra units must be fully contained in a sealed disposable container or properly sealed bag. This is a precaution during the COVID-19 crisis and we ask for your assistance to help keep our employees and community members safe.

If you have any questions regarding service, please email our office at cust2149@wasteconnections.com (or click here) or call 360-426-8729 to speak with a customer service representative. Please keep in mind that hold times may be longer than normal during this time.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation and will continue to provide the best service possible during these trying times.

Last Modified:


Mason County Garbage and Recycling has been a proud member of the greater Shelton, WA community since the 1950’s.

We are also proud to be a member of the Waste Connections waste management and recycling family, an energy-conscious, reliable and cost-effective waste disposal company that boasts the consistency and structure of a major nationwide waste management company all while providing the heart and soul of a local community based operation.


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